Our group discussion for friday february 20th centered around the gift of prophesy, and confession. I (John Jonathan) commented on how I dont feel that everyone who says that they have the gift of prophesy actually does. I also mentioned that the penilty for false prophets was death, and the way to tell if someone was a false prophet was if what they say does not happen, they are false. I also explained that a false prophet can do much damage to a church. However, I do beliveve that some people do have the gift, just not every one who says they do.
Kate said that some people who are false prophets may actually think that they are; they are "confused" and dont know they are not prophets. Others are liers. Kate remembers the 1980's televangelists, and how she thought how fake they seemed to her at even a young age. Then how they would fall through scandals and contraversies. But along the line of confession she spoke about how new Christians can add something positive to this discipline, even if the confession is from a pastor. With her discipline of not speaking in class, Kate found that it worked.
Matt said in regards to the false prophets that people say all kinds of crap; and he feels, like Kate, that there are liers, confused people and true prophets. One cause for false prophets is that demons can influence people to think that the prophesies are real. He wanted to mention that his teaching of the youth group last week went well; which I think is awesome.
Joanna added something rather profound to this conversation. She added that some people might actually be prophets and not know, or even feel they are but are afraid to speak out incase of ridicule. However false prophets can do much damage in peoples lives. Joanna was trying not to put her foot in her mouth for her discipline. She found that it somewhat worked, however now she is finding that she is at a loss of words, she does not know what to say anymore.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Week five bloggity blog
This week we discussed corporate disciplines. Present were John, Ben, Mat, Joanna,and myself.
Joanna spoke about her frustrations towards churches and their attempts to make others conform to their views of worship. She also spoke of her commitment to speak less saying she wanted to stop putting her foot in her mouth. :) Ben also spoke of his commitment to 10 minutes of solitude daily. He only managed twice but found it very beneficial both times.
We then prayed for Joanna as she needed to prepare to give her testimony in chapel, and what a testimony it was! God bless you Jo! :)
We continued discussing worship, focusing on tongues. I mention that I've always seen speaking in tongues as phony because of seeing people of questionable character "practice" this discipline in church as a child. I have also always been confused by the repetition people use when speaking in tongues. Mat said that sometimes God only gives you one syllable to start with and then expands your "tongues" vocabulary over time.
We then discussed our classes and how much we appreciated our professors who allowed the class to give their own opinions as opposed to foisting their personal opinions on us.
Next, we discussed confession. John said that confession is the first step to healing and a person's husband/wife should know everything about them. I strongly disagreed saying that some things were between a person and God and if God has forgiven them why does anyone else need to know? Ben put forth that it depended on whether the confession would harm or foster the relationship. We ended in group prayer.
I feel that our group is growing as a whole in that we can easily pray together, which is a very intimate thing, and because we are very open with each other. Personally, I feel that I am growing spiritually, not because I'm better at practicing Disciplines, but because I'm learning so much about God/Jesus and I love/appreciate them more each day.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Fasting, Solitude and Submission
Class date: February 6th, 2009
This week’s lecture was on Fasting and Inner Spiritual Disciplines, including solitude and submission. John, Mat, Ben and Joanna were present.
Our discussion this week had a bit of a twist, in that we had Group 6 and our Professor Jason Mills join us. With having Jason facilitate the questions and reflection it was unique to have the outspoken calmed. In the past couple of weeks no one seemed to hesitate on their thoughts, yet this day it seemed some were afraid to speak up. Was this just a deeper reflection of one self given the nature of the topic? Perhaps it was having a larger group then normal?
John spoke of his feeling of being convicted to silence. The conversation then pulled a sharp turn to someone in the other group feeling as though if they did submit to “shutting up”, that could appear as giving up. Remarks tossed between submission being a negative thing, to submission only looking like it is a negative thing. When it comes down to it, silence can speak more then words. Michael confessed that he sometimes does not say enough and would like to have more words of wisdom. Both Christy and John enthusiastically encouraged him that sometimes things do not need to be said. Joanna made mention that Michael is a true example of speaking God’s love through Silence. He often clears everyone’s plates in the dining room and is always helping people out with out being asked.
Later, the question was posed to the group: out of the spiritual disciplines learned recently were there any commitments anyone would like to make? Jason would like to fast more on a routine basis, Ben has committed to ten minutes of solitude per day, Amanda wants to learn how to not feel like she needs to justify herself, or fit in when she is with people, and Joanna would like to only speak when it is necessary while being cautious of others feelings with how it is said. John completed his challenge of not smoking one time in the last week, and reflected on God instead. He admitted he likes a challenge and agreed to be re-challenged, only this time reading the Bible for the five minutes he would go out for a smoke.
In closing, we prayed for each other for God to assist us in our commitments and growth.
This week’s lecture was on Fasting and Inner Spiritual Disciplines, including solitude and submission. John, Mat, Ben and Joanna were present.
Our discussion this week had a bit of a twist, in that we had Group 6 and our Professor Jason Mills join us. With having Jason facilitate the questions and reflection it was unique to have the outspoken calmed. In the past couple of weeks no one seemed to hesitate on their thoughts, yet this day it seemed some were afraid to speak up. Was this just a deeper reflection of one self given the nature of the topic? Perhaps it was having a larger group then normal?
John spoke of his feeling of being convicted to silence. The conversation then pulled a sharp turn to someone in the other group feeling as though if they did submit to “shutting up”, that could appear as giving up. Remarks tossed between submission being a negative thing, to submission only looking like it is a negative thing. When it comes down to it, silence can speak more then words. Michael confessed that he sometimes does not say enough and would like to have more words of wisdom. Both Christy and John enthusiastically encouraged him that sometimes things do not need to be said. Joanna made mention that Michael is a true example of speaking God’s love through Silence. He often clears everyone’s plates in the dining room and is always helping people out with out being asked.
Later, the question was posed to the group: out of the spiritual disciplines learned recently were there any commitments anyone would like to make? Jason would like to fast more on a routine basis, Ben has committed to ten minutes of solitude per day, Amanda wants to learn how to not feel like she needs to justify herself, or fit in when she is with people, and Joanna would like to only speak when it is necessary while being cautious of others feelings with how it is said. John completed his challenge of not smoking one time in the last week, and reflected on God instead. He admitted he likes a challenge and agreed to be re-challenged, only this time reading the Bible for the five minutes he would go out for a smoke.
In closing, we prayed for each other for God to assist us in our commitments and growth.
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